Friday, 5 February 2010

I have been inspired by looking at Top of The Pops magazine which is targeted at a young audience aged 9-14 year old girls. I will be basing my magazine on the same target audience, purpose and context to create a new and interesting magazine. I will be using the typical conventions of a magazine to create the front cover, and codes of the colour schemes and facial expressions of my model to go with the ideology of young people. The colour scheme of the Top of The Pops magazine suggests its for a young audience as they use clashing primary colours. The bubbly fonts suggest a welcoming and comforting feel which are both youthful and vibrant making it inviting for the reader. The central image being positive and happy along with all the other celebs pictures smiling, gives off a gentle impression appealing to the young audience. I have chosen print as i feel more confident and challenged in this area. Features that i will be on my cover will be:

  • A central image of a young and popular celeb
  • A logo that would be repeated on each issue
  • Mast head title
  • Eye catching colours and shapes. Various fonts to show variety
  • Bar code, price, date and issue number
  • Features/interviews that would appeal to my target audience
  • Simple, humerus and 'text type' language
  • Connoted colours and fonts; primary colours and bubbly fonts for my target audience. This makes the magazine more appealing and younger looking.

I will be applying all these to my front cover, contents page and double page spread.

The magazine's special features make it unique to other magazines with the same target audience by advertising specials and extras for a cheap affordable price. Young celebs are popular for this type of magazines front covers which i will be re-creating, and including exclusive interviews and pictures. The competition on magazines is high so i will be doing questionnaire's to find out what more young people want in the magazines they read.

1 comment:

  1. Sound comment that outlines your plans clearly.
    At a later stage, you need to analyse some music magazine text - the register that each attempts to reach is crucial to success.
    How does the language register differently between the magazines on the market? Analyse a couple and highlight how they attempt to reach their target audience through the pitch/tone of the text itself, not just through image and design.
